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Welcome to Reception with Miss Gosling and Miss Glen

We also have our wonderful teaching assistant to help us throughout the day.


Miss Yaya

We enjoy teaching children through both adult-led and child-initiated activities. We do this by teaching whole class carpet sessions and through our carefully planned continuous provision.


Home Learning

Your child will receive a new book every Monday. Please ensure that you read this book with your child at least three times a week. Once you have read with your child, please sign their planner. Your child will receive a golden ticket for every three reads they complete at home. This will then go into a raffle for a free book! 

Your child will also have a phonics homework booklet to support them with the tricky words and sounds that they have been learning in school.

Your child may also receive additional learning to support them further throughout the term.

Starting Reception

We are looking forward to welcoming our new Reception children and families into our Academy. We hope you found our induction events useful.

Reception will have PE every Tuesday. Please ensure they have their kit in school and that everything is labelled with their name.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EYFS Lead via email:, who will be more than happy to help. 

Autumn 1 - Helping Hands

During the first half-term, the children will be learning about people who help us in school, at home and within our community. Children will also have the opportunity to meet different people that help us and ask them questions. We may even be able to explore some emergency service vehicles! 

In Literacy, we will be reading the story 'Think Big!' by Kes Gray. This story will support us when we learn about the police force and will also enhance our understanding of traditional tales.

Parental Involvement- This half-term parents will be invited every Friday morning, 8:30-9:00 for reading mornings. These sessions will enable parents to find out what their children have been learning in phonics, provide ideas for supporting their children at home and to ask any questions.